Hosting, Domain Name & WordPress


You will be asked to get hosting purchased, a domain name picked, and a WordPress installation set up on your domain name. We recommend that you use as your hosting company for this course. Hosting will cost approximately $50–$80 for a year.

The website is the “textbook” for this course. This site will run you through all the steps necessary to set up a self-hosted WordPress site. You should have received an email from your instructor with a coupon code to gain access to this site. Contact your instructor if you have not received this code.

Log in to the website and follow the tutorials that cover obtaining hosting, a domain name, and installing WordPress.

Complete these tutorials:



After completing the tutorials on acquiring hosting, getting a domain name, and setting up a self-hosted WordPress installation (all found on, you will do the following:

  • Take a simple screenshot of your new website, including the address bar and the visible content in the browser. (Take a look at the screenshot instructions on if you are unsure how to accomplish this task.)
  • Upload the screenshot to the dropbox folder on the next page.
  • Insert the URL to your website in the text box that appears after upload.