
This activity will require you to create an initial post and respond to some of your peers. Please see all the instructions below. Scroll down if they are not all visible.

Initial Post

This activity is designed to help us get to know who we are working with this semester. Please initially post the following information in the format outlined below. Please use the exact labels and order (copy/paste) listed below. You will need to post an initial thread three days before the due date listed in I-Learn (there should be a reminder in the calendar with this date).

  • Brief Introduction (Insert an image of yourself, so we can associate a name with a face. Tell us your name, major, and other information that will help us get to know you.)
  • Your Experience (Explain what experience you have had working with WordPress.)
  • Why and What (Why are in this class, and what do you hope to get out of it?)
  • Website Topic (You can create a website this semester on any topic you desire, as long as it is BYU-Idaho appropriate. You will want to figure the topic of your website out asap so you have an idea of what you will be completing for the assignments each week. The topic of your website could be a portfolio, a business website, an informational website, or even a shrine to your cat. Take some time to discuss what you are thinking and then read through some of your peers’ topics to possibly get new ideas for yourself. Note that for this class we will be setting up an eStore, but this does not need to determine the topic for your website. We will focus more on the how of setting up the store rather than building a store that makes 100% sense for your topic.)

Two Responses Minimum

You will need to respond to at least two posts, on this discussion board, before the discussion due date listed in I-Learn.